Wednesday 18 March 2015


In the following learning situation you will see how we work through out a story and how children learn grammatical aspects of Spanish Language.
Resultado de imagen de cuentos infantiles

Penguin from Alisios

You are going to see a lesson plan about a Penguin from Canary Islands and you can also see how we work with the children Spanish Language.

ICT challenge from the UK

Can you use a clip from the Literacy Shed in your learning and then upload the results on the Erasmus Blog?

Monday 16 March 2015

Our time in Poland


We are having a great time in Warsaw learning all about how the Polish school system works. Lots of interesting thing to see and learn about using ICT accross Europe. The Polish school are great hosts and are making us feel very welcome. 

Logos from ITALY

Friday 13 March 2015

Astromeritis Primary School Logo

Our competition for Erasmus+ Logo was successful! 
Children work with enthusiasm 
and the results were fantastic!!!